Freedom of Information

Guidance relating to information provided by pharmacists under the Model Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 all public authorities are required to have and operate a publication scheme that has been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner.

Those providing pharmaceutical services under contract to the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are considered to be public authorities in respect of information relating to those services.

It is intended that all public authorities adopt and operate the approved model scheme and therefore this scheme contained herein may be adopted without modification by any public authority without further approval and will be valid until further notice.

This publication scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the authority. Additional assistance is provided to the definition of these classes in sector specific guidance manuals issued by the Information Commissioner.

The scheme commits an authority:

  • to proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
  • to specify the information which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below.
  • to proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information in line with the statements contained within this scheme.
  • to produce and publish the methods by which the specific information is made routinely available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
  • to review and update on a regular basis the information the authority makes available under this scheme.
  • to produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made proactively available.
  • to make this publication scheme available to the public.

Information covered by this scheme is only about the pharmaceutical services we provide under contract to the National Health Service.

Classes of Information

All information is available free of charge unless otherwise stated.

Who we are and what we do

(Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance)

You can find information and background about Dean & Smedley Limited on our website at

Our registered office is at: 65 Horninglow Road, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 2PP.

You can contact our team that have produced this guide and operate the publication scheme at 65 Horninglow Road, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 2PP, via email (, via the telephone (01283 535255) or via our website (

Details of our pharmacies providing NHS funded services and the opening hours of all of our pharmacies is available via our website at

What we spend and how we spend it

(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts)

Information in this class will only be published where is does not, and is not likely to, affect the commercial position of Dean & Smedley Limited.

In light of the above, this information is not obtainable.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

Plans for development and provision of NHS services are available on our website at

An audit of NHS income (outline only) is not available.

The Services we Offer

(Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered)

The services provided under contract to the NHS are available on our website at

How we make decisions

(Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Records of decisions made by Dean & Smedley Limited affecting the provision of NHS services are not available.

Our policies and procedures

(Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities)

Equality and diversity: We treat all of our customers equally and fairly.

Health and safety: We seek to comply with health and safety laws, regulations and requirements at all times.

Complaints procedures: We strive to comply with the NHS Complaints Procedure when handling NHS related customer complaints and leaflets are available in our pharmacies (whose contact details are on our website at

Records management policies: We have a records management policy in place, records retention schedules set up centrally and strive to comply with records destruction best practice.

Data Protection policy: We have a data protection policy in place.

Lists and Registers

(Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority)

There are no lists or registers available.